Every year I enter the Utah State fair.
This is my report on how I did this year.
I only entered seven things this year into the state fair.
I say only because I have been known to enter like twenty things before.
The problem with why so few is because Lala and Baby Sister
are close to being in the same size category.
Also I was a bit lazy this year and didn't make Easter dresses.
I entered the girls Christmas dresses and Gowyn's skirt.
They all won blue ribbons.
Won a blue ribbon.
Her Other dress however got a red ribbon or a second place.
I was not at all happy about it.
I did in fact yell at the top of my lungs upon entering the building,
and seeing this perfect dress with a red ribbon hanging from it.
"How could that dress get a second place"
Good Looking had to calm me down.
It's true.
I only entered one costume in the fair this year.
It was Lala's Belle costume.
It took a third place ribbon.
It lost to another Belle costume.
I still think mine was better.
I only entered one quilt and it was this one that I made with Grandma Kath.
It got NOTHING, not even an honorable mention.
I know that I am new to quilting and this is a tough category,
but come on throw me a bone or something.
I have said this before and it is true.
"I never thought of myself as a competitive person until I entered the state fair."
I know that I take it way to personally, but still a second place on Lala's dress.
Are they crazy?
Did they not get enough sleep the night before?
I will let it go.
The four blue ribbons that I got,
did bring me up to over fifty blue ribbons.
I guess I should look at the bright side.
Have you ever entered the fair?
What is your ribbon count?